Release Self-Judgment & Choose Self-Acceptance - TSM 04

Have you ever talk to yourself negatively or thinking others are possibly judging the way you talk and behave? I believe showing our vulnerability is a form of strengths instead of weaknesses. In this episode, I will bring you into my past insecure self, and unravel ways to release the self-judgement from your mind.

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Amy Wang-Hiller
Sarah Jane Kenner - Fuel Your Creativity with Passion beyond Music - TSMP 03

In this episode, Sarah will tell you her success story on how she turns her creative passion into an actual business. As she says

The creative person can not always be satisfied by a creative career. We need to be able to separate needing the creativity in the practice room and getting creativity elsewhere.

Getting creativity elsewhere is an important skill for us to learn. And the creative outlet elsewhere is actually making us a better musician, helping critical thinking in practice room, and building a healthier body and mind.

Her story is a lot like many college students as we have a busy schedule with studying and practicing. But after she makes the commitment for herself to start cooking, not only does she become healthier, she also found her creative outlet that she eventually turned it into a business.

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"Not Good Enough" - Shift Our Mindset - TSMP 02

Have you ever say to yourself "I'm not good enough"? In today's show, I will tell you my story behind this unhelpful self-talk and how I changed this unhealthy mindset.
2017-2018 were the darkest years of my life, I buried my sanity under this heavily tormenting low self-esteem issues. Doesn't matter how much people around me give me compliments, I seem to only see the flaws of myself. In our professional field, some of us are scared at admitting that we are human and mistakes are inevitable in learning challenging music.

There is a famous saying by Tim Hiller, a former football quarterback, "Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle" I tend to forget the second half of the quote. that is "don't compare your middle to someone else's end." As high-achievers, we tend to compare. But comparison is a foolish attitude because we are all unique, and we all started the journey at different times of our life. The mistake I learned is that What we can do is simply looking at our present self and appreciate where we are now! To be able to focus on growth, we have to appreciate where we are now. If you read the book "mindset" by Carol Dweck. it is the concept of a growth mindset. It's easier to tune out the negative self talk when we are present with ourselves, so what we see is our reality and the goal we are heading towards. This is my core principle when I consume contents on my friend's newsfeed: Always feel happy for other's accomplishments, but don't attach your feelings of inadequacies to their success because it is their life, not yours.
A great quote by Eleanor Roosevelt for you to take away in this episode:
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

A quick announcement in the beginning of the show explaining why we have changed the podcast name. There was a duplicated name on iTunes, and we decided the change is better early than later. So, if you just subscribe and join us, welcome to the Thrive x Strive family, where we learn and grow together!

Hope you enjoy the show! See you next week!

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Welcome - the WHY "Perfectly Imperfect" and My Story - TSM 01

Introducing the Thrive x Strive Musician podcast! - initially Perfectly Imperfect Musician Podcast.
In this pilot episode, you will hear me sharing my personal story and what led me to launch this brand new podcast and initially named it "perfectly imperfect". You also get to know the science behind why musicians are vulnerable to negative emotions and mental healthy issue.

My mission is to invite friends and successful musicians into the conversation musicians' mental and physical health. I hope this show will provide you practical tools and wisdoms to achieve a healthy and balanced mental space for a long-lasting career life.

For every episode, I will also share detailed show notes & resources mentioned in the episode:


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