Hello, I'm Amy. I'm a professional violinist, violin teacher, and a doctoral student at UNT currently working on my dissertation. I'm also the creator of Thrive x Strive YouTube Channel & Thrive x Strive Musician Podcast

GO FUND ME page for my life-saving and career-saving surgery. Please help share and donate. ❤️

As a violin teacher, I have been teaching over 10 years through all level of students. I taught collegiate students at UNT as a teaching fellow during 2016-2018. As a creative and enthusiastic person, I focus teaching around the efficiency of students' practice method besides techniques and solo repertoire. I encourage students to bring creativity into practicing sessions to help them achieve more in less time.

To check out some of my music videos: Amy Wang-Hiller - Violin Channel

As a content creator, I started my personal YouTube channel since 2015. My video content has been evolved through my journey of veganism, recovery, and self-discovery. After overcoming my mental illnesses, I want to share my experience and insights to help music students and any professionals achieve their goals in life while maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle. This is why I also recently launched my weekly Thrive x Strive Musician Podcast to invite musicians into the conversation of mental health to find work-life balance.

After the podcast launched a few months, I didn’t know that I would be battling my physical illnesses since 2020. I have been diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. And the spine complications caused me step-wisely lose my motor function. Throughout the paralysis from paraplegic to quadriplegic, I actively searched for ways to adapt so that I would be able to continue my performance career and manage my life. I want to raise awareness of rare diseases and spinal cord injuries by sharing my story on social platforms. I hope my positive outlook and the attitude of an adaptive mindset can inspire others with or without disabilities.

Be creative with deliberate practice.

I love to see the progress students make and the joy and fulfillment they receive after putting their heart into learning the violin. 

For every level of student, I emphasize the efficient practice method to develop their problem-solving skills and thoughtfulness in music playing. I believe a suitable practice method will lead to a more enjoyable and motivated learning experience.

I focus on body awareness and help students with muscle tension, weaknesses, and hypermobility, to be in tune with their body rhythm in breathing,

Thrive x Strive Musician Podcast

a musician’s podcast where we dive into the personal development as musicians to create a healthy living with mental clarity & vibrancy. My goal is to provide musicians healthy tools and wisdoms for you to implement in your personal and professional life.

Thrive x Strive Musician Podcast est 2020